Web Accessibility Tips & Advantages

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Web Accessibility/ADA Compliance is the most missed concept for business websites today. It’s sad, but true. Most businesses do not take the extra step to ensure their website is accessible to all, including those with disabilities.

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility is designing a website that is available to all consumers, including those that may have physical barriers that may prevent them from navigating online. Not all consumers are able to navigate online, so ensuring your website is accessible to all is very important.


Advantages of having a Web Accessible Business Include:

  1. Branding – Having a website that is accessible to all will make your online business more inclusive and increase your brand exposure and allow more consumers to have access to your online website.
  2. Wider Consumer Base – Having a website that is more accessible to the public will allow your online website to reach a larger audience. A larger audience means a larger chance of your business making increased profits.
  3. Improve SEO- The better your engagement with your target audience, the better your SEO, which is great for driving more traffic to your website.
  4. Avoid Litigation – Our partners at accessiBe have created a Litigation support package to help dismiss or mitigate web accessibility lawsuits.

What is included?

  • Compliance Audit
  • Compliance Overview
  • Failures Request Master
  • Accessibility Statement
  • accessiBe Suggested Responses


Web accessibility has many advantages and the greatest, is its ability to grow your business by increasing access to more consumers. Expanding your customer base has the potential to increase sales.

After looking at these advantages, it is important to take the proper steps to ensure that your website is ADA Compliant. Be sure to follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines when making the transition.

Pay special attention to:

Keyboard Navigation – Those with limited motor use can find trouble in websites that do not have keyboard navigation. Including these features in your website will allow them to have an easier way to navigate online.

HTML – This will ensure a consistent look and flow to the website.

Text Clarity – For those aging or with visual skills, it can be difficult to navigate online. Incorporating multiple ways to visually see your content and navigate online will make your website more user friendly. The character blocks font and size are always great things to focus on when making them more accessible to the public.



Who Is Subject to ADA Website Compliance

According to Title III of the ADA Those required to do so include:

  • State and local governments
  • Private businesses with 15+ employees
  • Nonprofits and charities with 15+ employees
  • Companies relying on the public or that benefit the public (basically, any place the public enters regularly)”



Ready to get started with the #1 Automated Web Accessibility Solution for ADA & WCAG Compliance that is Powered by AI – Get a 14-day FREE trial

Still confused? Send us an email to info@m4rr.com

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