Marketing Checklist

Detailed Description

Uncover hidden weaknesses and optimize your marketing efforts by building a comprehensive strategy to stay organized.

The Marketing Maze: Most small business owners feel overwhelmed by the ever-changing marketing landscape. This marketing checklist will provide a roadmap with essential steps to ensure a successful marketing plan.

What You’ll Get: This comprehensive marketing checklist uncovers steps to give you a competitive advantage.

Content marketing: With so much competition it’s important to connect with target audiences by sharing valuable, relatability content to attract their attention.

SEO best practices: Since Google implements algorithm changes daily, it’s important to consistently improve website content, to maintain search engine ranking.

Email Marketing essentials: The importance of building an email list should not be overlooked. Email marketing has been around for over 4 decades, with no sign of slowing down. The end goal is to take your audience from social media or other channels and place them into your personal business network so you are able to nuture them with valuable content and in-email purchase options.

Social Media strategy: Develop a presence on the top trending social media platforms to engage with your current audience as well as build new audiences.

Analytics and tracking: Set key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the number of referrals and the conversion rate percentage of referred leads.